The Arnoudizer is another excellent option for distalisation of the molars using palatal anchorage. It is extremely versatile as upper molars can be derotated, uprighted and distalised in only 2-3 months using the arm of the device fixed to the occlusal surface of the upper first bicuspid. It can then…
Aligner systems are a rapidly growing area in modern orthodontics and IXION have recently announced the release of a new range of Aligner Pliers to assist clinicians in the successful treatment of their cases. These easy to use pliers are ideal for achieving greater torque, rotational control and increased retention…
The new LEGEND LP tube is the latest bondable buccal tube designed by TOMY Inc – and exclusive to ORTHOMAX! LEGEND LP tubes feature an ultra low profile design with a large mesial entrance to facilitate archwire insertion. Also incorporated into this new design are: Anatomical contour base with “V”…
NEW! bmx BENEfit Maxillary Expander
The bmx is a new BENEfit mini-implant anchored appliance for Rapid Maxillary Expansion in young patients. Using the De Franco Screwguide the distance and parallelity of the BENEfit screws can be precisely determined directly on the patient and impressions are no longer necessary ! The bmx is available in three…
Time To Save With TOMY International
TOMY International Inc. is Japan’s leading manufacturer and supplier of orthodontic products with an internationally recognised reputation for manufacturing innovation and providing meticulous standards of quality and exceptional attention to detail. ORTHOMAX is very proud to be the exclusive Australian distributor of the TOMY orthodontic product range and has…
October 2017 Product Of The Month
Peak-Coat Aesthetic Accessories Modern orthodontic practices are always on the look-out for improved aesthetic options for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment however many of the “aesthetic” wire related products can be frustrating to use as their coatings often chip or stain quickly and easily. [spacer height=”20px” id=”2″] [spacer height=”20px” id=”2″] However,…
Featured Product of the Month
With estimates of latex sensitivity in the general population ranging from 0.8% to 8.2% and the risk increasing with prolonged and repeated exposure, the issue of latex sensitivity has become an increasingly common issue in orthodontics (and dentistry in general). To help minimise the occurrence in orthodontics and patients with…
Product News
One of the most commonly asked questions we receive about the BENEfit Palatal Anchorage system relates to the optimal site of insertion of the TAD (or mini-implant) into the palate. A very informative article was recently featured in the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics and discusses this topic in detail, in…
The Mini-Mold Technique
Invented and developed by Dr Roger Wolk, the Mini-Mold Technique is a very handy (yet extremely quick and simple) in-chair way of creating aesthetic attachments for a variety of everyday orthodontic applications including anterior or posterior bite-opening. [spacer height=”20px” id=”2″] [spacer height=”40px” id=”3″] Get Your Kit from Orthomax [spacer height=”20px”…
Supplier News March 2017
The manufacturers of our amazing BENEfit palatal orthodontic anchorage system – PSM Medical Solutions (Tuttlingen, Germany) have just sent us some copies of their latest BENEfit catalogue (KAT-002 / 10.16) which features all the latest products and accessories for the BENEfit system. [spacer height=”40px” id=”3″] Download Catalogue [spacer height=”20px” id=”2″]…