Benefit Palatal TADs

Mini-Implants are especially advantageous because of the minimally invasive insertion protocol and their relatively low cost.

The Benefit System overcomes many of the limitations that can occur when conventional mini-implant systems are used for orthodontic anchorage.

The Benefit -System can be used for a variety of applications in the maxilla – mainly in the palate – because of the design of the various abutments that are available. Indications include molar anchorage and distalization as well as anchorage for the retraction of anterior teeth and space closure.

Benefit Mini-Implants can be placed in edentulous areas of the maxilla or mandible for aligning teeth prior to prosthodontics and they can be used for uprighting molars.

The abutment fixation screw is internally retained, as a safety measure to avoid aspiration by the patient.

The integration of the Benefit-System in orthodontic practice will offer clinicians many new innovative treatment options.

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