Are You a Lingual Orthodontist?

Kee’s Torquer for Lingual Brackets

Designed by Dr. Lee Kee Joon (Korea), this handy double-ended instrument (#813-1091) is very useful for the insertion of both round and rectangular lingual archwires into Clippy-L brackets (or other types of lingual brackets).

The narrow end can be used for .016 x .022 archwires and the thick end for .017 x .025.

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TOMY ComforTube (Wu-Bitner Tubes)

These new universal second molar buccal tubes are designed for lingual usage however they can also potentially be used for .018 slot labial applications.

The curved, egg shaped design provides dramatically increased patient comfort whilst at the same time providing the orthodontist with ample under tie-wing area for tying ligatures and elastomeric chains. The buccal tubes feature a large flared mesial entrance for easy wire insertion and mesh pads for excellent bond strength.

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IXION IX945 Lingual Tucker

Due to its unique design, this new lingual tucker provides optimum visibility and access during usage in both the anterior and posterior regions making it particularly suited to usage with self-ligating lingual bracket systems.