Tomy Inc have announced the release of lower pre-molar Crystaline7 brackets for those customers and patients who prefer a full lower 5-5 aesthetic solution for their treatment. They are available in all common prescriptions and slot sizes.
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G&H Orthodontics
G&H Orthodontics have recently renamed their popular BT3 Beta Titanium wires to TitanMoly. Apart from the name change, TitanMoly will now come in new packaging. For more information, see our feature in Product News!
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PSM Medical Solutions
PSM Medical Solutions, manufacturers of the BENEfit Palatal Anchorage System (and Quattro TADs), have released a number of new and handy instruments for users to assist with placement of the TADs as well a number of new accessories to make this system even better!
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IXION have added a number of new orthodontic instruments (including lingual) to their extensive range – check them out now!
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For a copy of any of the above catalogues, please call us on 1800 422 287 or email us on and we will send one out to you immediately!